Living fossil

This cassowary was a fun project I developed during a few recent live streams on the Pixologic channel: ZBrushLive - I liked the result of the modeling so I took it a bit further and refined the polypaint, added some FiberMesh and render a few shots from Maverick and Keyshot. Hope you like it!

The whole process is split into 3 videos (the recorded live streams). The first two sessions are already up on the ZBrushGuides website and the third one will be there soon.

Final comp

Final comp

Details closeup

Details closeup

ZBrush BPR turntable (testing video clips)

Clean render with polypaint - 3/4

Clean render with polypaint - 3/4

Clean render with polypaint - side

Clean render with polypaint - side

Clean render with polypaint - head closeup

Clean render with polypaint - head closeup

Clean render with polypaint - head 3/4

Clean render with polypaint - head 3/4

Clay render

Clay render